You see, one day you get very excited. You find a CDR from 2007 with a long forgotten radio show, recorded live to air 15 years ago and lost ever since. Then you find the one track you want has a terminal error that refuses to rip despite every effort. In fact, when you try and rip it it reboots both computers in the house and fucks every OS up so badly that it takes hours to repair. Then as I get excited at what is left (47 minutes of unheard weirdness and some spoken word of mine that I[…]
Tag: baise-moi
7 – la verge de satan
Some have said that this ‘podcast’ is obsessed with three things. 1. cocks, dicks and other flaccid bits of skin purporting to be penis like. 2. anything french and 3. ribbons and scars. Well, in the truest sense of the word ‘obsessed’, we present to vous with show 7, la verge de Satan, which roughly translates as the ‘the penis of Satan’. Actually, we kid you not. There is actually a song called that in the show. Satan’s dick. And we didn’t write it ourselves. And yes, it is probably not safe for work, or miners. It gets dangerous[…]