So, you may have been wondering, what the hell has my favourite weird DJ Ringfinger been up to all these months since he got off his lazy arse and gave us a view of his ‘Le Verge de Satan’? Well, I am glad you asked. Well, actually, clearly you didn’t ask because a) who the hell cares? Not me! He just pays me to write this blurb and b) who?
Anyway, they have been busy recording sounds and video in the street, in stations and in churches (about the only place she is legally allowed to be…) and we bring you the first fruit of their new creative loins. That’s right, Loss has finally arrived after nearly 12 months of development. It has been hunkered down and buried under metres and metres of black ribbon and dirty scars to make the first two Loss parts, with four more to come. It also features the first new sounds in quite a while from djringfinger and his wannabe auteur quintet/
or if you like, check out the first video here