In lieu of actual content, we present V.S 2012

DJ Ringfinger has not been lazy. I am not sure they are capable of lazing, something to do with the way their spine is shaped and their fear of hammocks. However, with collaborators DJ SCSI and DJ Kurac, Vinyl Sodomy has been revived, both as a practice and a podcast. Hosted by our dear friends at WhatYouWant Radio V.S 2012 as we politely refer to it will feature some of the same tentative steps into the world of music that this fine podcast takes (when we can get the electric clamps off the nipples of Ringfinger). Show #3 which belched out of the earth this week even has a new piece of ‘music’ from the aforementioned nipple stimulator. Well, I will let ‘her’ describe it…

‘In between is a new piece by DJ Ringfinger himself. Please be kind to him, he really gets a hard time from the press, despite many press junkets, some well attended events and a gift bag that would put Paris Hilton to shame (a Jaguar XJ-S for everyone in the room, beat that Oprah)

Le Monde once described him as… ‘le plus gros tas de merde depuis que étron peu Sarkozy’ whilst the Asahi Shinbum simply called him ‘たわごと’ . The track, entitled ‘A modern interpretation of feminist theory’ features some spoken word from 1960s NYC cab drivers.’

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Love to love you, baby!

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