Welcome to Fabrication de Bruit – Ephemera of the Modern

fabrication de bruit explores the boundaries between tastes. fabrication de bruit finds strange, personal, lost, burnt, fresh and uncomfortable sounds and combines them into pieces different from the whole. look for the key words—found sound, outsider, new composts, forgotten old, strange exotica, confronting and extant, warm and thick, broken and rusty. fabrication de bruit reinterprets and curates the ephemera of the modern: tapes, VHS, label-less singles, the loud and quiet of the post-digital world, discarded objects and forgotten voices.   fabrication de bruit started over 18 years ago on a community radio station in Sydney as ‘Soundtracks and other expletives’, a[…]

8 – The evil that men do

  This is show 8 of the series.  It is entitled ‘the evil that men do’.  At the heart of this show is all manner of evil, cloaked and uncloaked, bound and well, not bound.  We could list all the tracks but that would seem kind of pointless.  Have a listen through and come to find meaning in the evil that men do.  Featuring over 35 minutes of new DJ Ringfinger madness, including their first real attempt at sampling concrete. Featuring a variety of found sounds from Australian preachers, an ABC radio interview from 1974, spoken word by DJ Ringfinger[…]